Dr. Jeong had a video presentation at the IMCAS meeting, talking about anatomical importance during rhinoplasty. Several foreign doctors were interested with the topic and we had some discussion with them. Also several Korean plastic surgeons joined the meeting and gave wonderful presentations. It was my first time seeing the IMCAS, and I noticed that the meeting was operated by the French people. They were in a team, moving around the world, invite people who has interesting topics and make up a meeting. I learned a few things that can applied to Korean conferences. Such as, every name card has a barcode number tag on it that can distinguish the type of the program registration and entrance. So when you walk into a room the staff will scan your name card and figure out you are the allowed person to go in.
병원명 : 라이안성형외과의원
서울시 서초구 강남대로 429(서초동 1305-8) 동일빌딩 6층 (카카오프렌즈샵 건물)
대표자 : 최상문 사업자등록번호 : 892-07-00543 대표전화 : 02-535-3888 팩스 : 02-533-6888
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